Be yourself in everything that you do, and most importantly be courageous enough to still take the risks and opportunities that life will present to you even in the presence of fear.
Dare to be yourself every day take chances make
Dare to be yourself every day. Take chances, make sure you walk as yourself in every way, make risk taking an art, for that is all it really is, a beautiful art.
Never change who you are in order to make others
Never change who you are in order to make others comfortable with who they are.
Don’t let anyone tell you who you are
Don’t let anyone tell you who you are. You who you are, and if anyone thinks differently, prove to them what you really are.
If you want to be loved for who you are, you need to be yourself
If you want to be loved for who you are, you need to be yourself.
Improve yourself but never change Be someone better
Improve yourself, but never change. Be someone better, but remain yourself. Forget who hurt you, but don’t forget who loves you every day. Forget the past that makes you cry and focus on the present that makes you smile.
Don’t compromise yourself for anything or
Don’t compromise yourself for anything or anyone else, just be yourself.
Don’t let other people’s opinions distort your reality
Don’t let other people’s opinions distort your reality. Be true to yourself. Be bold in pursuing your dreams.
Avoid clichés avoid generalizations
Avoid clichés, avoid generalizations, find your own voice, show compassion, and ask the important questions.
Be real Be true Be yourself and most important love yourself
Be real, Be true, Be yourself and most important love yourself.