Be yourself. There is no need to impress others by pretending to be who you are NOT but STRIVE to be a better person.
Always do you. Haters will try to stop you
Always do you. Haters will try to stop you, failing to be you. Lovers will follow you, knowing that you are unique. But better to be loved by others doing something you love, rather than loved by others doing something you hate.
Sometimes you have to divorce yourself
Sometimes you have to divorce yourself from what other people want from you.
Never sacrifice who you are just because someone else
Never sacrifice who you are just because someone else has a problem with it.
You can NEVER be like someone else
You can NEVER be like someone else! Just be yourself and you will find that you’ll be much happier that way and accomplish more as well.
Do not let crowds define you you choose to
Do not let crowds define you, you choose to be who you want to be and how you want people to perceive you. Be true to yourself because only then can you know true happiness!
Be yourself no matter what never feel uncomfortable in being yourself
Be yourself no matter what, never feel uncomfortable in being yourself.
Be yourself! You can’t please everyone
Be yourself! You can’t please everyone. They own their thoughts, reactions, and beliefs. So instead of feeling stressed and frustrated, just be yourself and welcome the peace and happiness that will come your way.
Don’t be jealous of me! Be you, yourself, and you will be like me
Don’t be jealous of me! Be you, yourself, and you will be like me.